It looks wonderful… I just don’t like how it looks kinda modern.
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I call it a pirate ship but it’s technically a recreation of the HMS Agamemnon 1781.
Very well created, it looks almost exactly like the HMS Agamemnon 1781. The only thing different between the two are the colors, but I like the white body you gave the recreation. Especially with the background and the lighting you added into this build. (You misspelled Feedback in your title)
Its amazing, the white of the ship is totally nicely done and arranged right. & the water waves are fabulous.
Thank you, and I didn’t realize I typed “Feeback” instead of “Feedback” hah! I appreciate the input though
The ship with the lighting looks fantastic. To me, I don’t think white fits with the ship, but I dig it. The overall detail is really good
My suggestions are
- Cannons
I’m blown away! I was not expecting a ship of that caliber. Hope to see it in a game soon!
It looks really good, it almost looks realistic also I wished you could have changed the color to brown so it actually looks like a ship but other than that it looks amazing!
The ship looks very impressively done! I appreciate the lighting you have applied to make the ship look very realistic and in my opinion, the architecture and the effort of building this ship really has a good touch
I know I’m a little late to the party, but this ship looks amazing! I really like the attention to details. Especially in some areas most people look over. For example, I like that you’ve included braces at the bottom of the shrouds, I like the rigging tackles that redirect the lines elsewhere and I like the quality of the futtocks.
I do think that the yards are definitely a bit short, though. The yards on a ship of this scale would be a good deal wider than the ship; at least half the hull width off the side. It might just be the camera angle or the height of the first futtock that’s throwing me off, but it seems to me ever so slightly thin.
But all in all, a great piece of work and a mighty vessel!
That looks awesome dude, nice job!