Feed Back On my JoJo Games map

![Screenshot (500)|690x388]

Just Showing off the map, the map is all handmade by just me so that most likely why there not alot. also you can see the stand summon code and i can walk through the dummy.

my game A Unorthodox Day - Pre-Alpha - Roblox


it looks decent. You might need to add more effort in making variety of buildings rather than coloring them different. Also, I think the boulders/hills in the border would look better with a rougher texture. Also, I suggest using different types of trees rather than 1 single tree spread all around the map.
Other that that, its looking pretty decent. Good Luck! :smile:

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Yes, The building are driving me insane i been coding shop and designing tables and chair for inside the house. you see that fence were i have a stand that is a reference to the manga. there is a volcano that is another reference. i need to do more reference’s

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Oops mb
i misclick i am so sorry

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Your map looks unfinished. So far it looks pretty basic. This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the theme of the game. Your buildings look a little copy and pasted but try mixing them up to fix this.