Feed back on my new story game: Train Travel [Story]

Hello! Today, I published a new story game that has been worked on for a long time (2.5 years, although we did stop working on it for 2 years so it’s more like 6 months) and we would like feedback!

Well the building really needs some work on. I did not play it all but the building I saw was not the best and could be improved.

Also I kinda feel the game play is a little boring and some game play kinda seems a little lazy like it would be better when there is the fire in the kitchen to have to put out the fire by spraying the fire extinguisher rather then going to the arrow.

Thanks for the feedback! Do you think the game can be successful (like an average of 20-30 players at a time) with how it currently is? Thanks!

I mean by theory yes. Your player retention would probs not be very high tbh and people would leave right away or after a few mins of playing.

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The game was more fun than I expected. Could definitely be improved in story, grammar and visuals but otherwise I think it was decently made.

There are many parts that seem incomplete, like open walls and access to the underworld, and the story takes a really weird path, but I think it has good potential.

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Thanks for the feedback! But can you please tell me a grammar mistake you noticed if you remember?