Feed back on my portal gun [WIP]

Hello, I am currently working on a portal type game. Now I have the base of the game down accept for like levels and such. The map is small at the moment but I still need feed back on bugs or what I should do to improve it. Game Link: Portal Testing - Roblox Keep in mind theres still tons of bugs.


Needs some aesthetic upgrades but aside from that it does what it needs to well, maybe focus on preventing players from getting stuck in the wall

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Very nicely made, I like how you added the feature so that it wouldn’t work on all parts, true to the actual game. The portals work very nicely, but sometimes they clip you through parts, mainly when you teleport to somewhere like a roof. You can also create portals on other people’s portal guns, but it’s still a great piece of work. Great job, ScriptedPoptartz. :smile:


I have fixed all issues with portals, if theres more bugs let me know

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