Feed on my SCP hallway and Class D cell block

Hello everyone, I recently started working on some small but detailed builds for my portfolio. It is my first time experimenting with future lighting and also adding meshes into the build!

Class D cell block





What do you guys think needs to improve or look completely different! Thank you in advance. :grinning:


Strange that the beds sit away from the cell walls on brackets.
Need railings on stairs.
Doors seem pretty short compared to the height of the tables.

Otherwise it looks really good.


Wow that looks great! Two suggestions: the tables reflectance is to high, and the pillows look a little to poofy and weird for the bed.

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Thank you for the feedback, I will try to add those fixes!


The pillows look weird indeed now that I look closer at it. :sweat_smile:


Weird how? If you mean shiny try using Concrete as the Material. It seems to have the least shiny finish of all the Materials.

I think that they need to be a bit puffier and maybe smaller.

Oh, also there is no railing for where the stairs are and it stands out to me that someone will just jump off at that point.

that hallways is pretty and realistic. its a good design