[FEEDBACK] A Dramatic-Looking Main Menu

Hello! This is the WIP Main Menu for my game Mythical Random: RE, let me know what you guys think of the character model, details, and animation!

(Edit: Went back and messed around a little with the lighting, lemme know what you think!)

Update 3: https://gyazo.com/055c86adbce1f695f44ea0024d4d7ea2


It looks really great, and the model you made to move in the background has an incredible appearance which really made your Menu more Dramatic.

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Thank you very much! If you look closely at the animation, you can even see the fingers moving as well.

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This is honestly EPIC! The character model just looks so sick! I’m also in love with the animation too… it’s like super suspenseful.


Thank you! Im glad people like how it turned out. :relaxed:


The movement of the hand is a bit robot-like (And also move quite a large distance), but overall it looks great, nice work.

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If you pay attention to detail, he does have robotic-like features. I also added large distance to make the scene more dramatic. But thanks for the feedback!

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wow. This is awsome.I like that you made a main menu that looks cool because most people dont really put that much time into the main menu so congrats.Its also the first thing that players will see in your game so I think that will atract players.Its great.

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Thank you for noticing the time and effort I put into this!

This does look awesome! You did great work, for my taste if I were to create it the blank black with nothing to show for it wouldn’t be for me, maybe a sick background or something that mixes well with the dramatic feel of the menu but you have great work for sure so well done!

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The animation is great. It looks really well made. But the head looks like a box. Maybe it is supposed to be made like this. It is good, just add more details to head as it looks like a simple box. Everything else is amazing.
Have a nice day :smiley:

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Very impressive, very nice!
Animation could loop more appropriately rather than just looping back and forth like that though, but other than that, excellent atmosphere!

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The menu looks nice and the animations are clean. They way the model moving is very clean and not choppy. What could be changed is some of the lighting. Such as make the scene darker and the model pops out a little bit. The particles is a nice touch as well and the Gui elements and fronts feel right and don’t stick out is bad. Overall it is a very crisp clean menu and is very interesting as well

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This actually looks really cool like it kind of reminds me of Dark Souls if I’m being honest, but I think the only suggestion I have is that you should maybe change the font and size or at least just the size of Mythical Random: RE because that’s the name of the game right? So maybe have that bigger then the rest of the text.

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Like I said, still a work in progress main menu.

Well, this is a model I designed myself, and his name is the box king.

I’m thinking about adding knights of some sort fighting in the back

Awhhhhhhhh, thats hot. (30char)

It looks amazing! It might have just been me, though, but the animation looked a little rocky, and couldnt been better a little smoother. Again, it mightve been the recording or just my laggy laptop. I also noticed some phasing in the fingers. Other than that, amazing! :smile: :ok_hand:

Yeah, the video software made it look a little rocky, but oh well. :sweat_smile: