Feedback about my BIG upgrade [3 Months]

so i tried to learn about building
so i made a first map in my life and i remade it after learing
three month between these photo


after 3 months of learning
note: everything here model, etc i made it by my self only chair model in Reception room and some models and some textures

NOTE: i’m a new builder. i’m still need learn more and more so i need feedback


Wow that’s a huge improvement!

Good job!


Dang, this is a big improvement.

A lot of my own building problems are highlighted in your old images. I just didn’t really know how to fill up empty space.

Your new stuff looks great.

I’m no builder, but this is front-page work. :hidere:


ill give you all my life savings please model for my games /j
seriously impressive. hope i can model like you one day!

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Thank you y’all for this support I’m still trying to learn more and more.:purple_heart:

Wow, in 3 months you really improved on the building!!!

Nice Work dude, you reserved :saluting_face:

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Very amazing
Thank you now this looking birthday

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im not a builder or anything, but if i were playing a game and the map was this. i might be a little overwhelmed by the amount of stuff.
Idk what the context for this map is (if there is any), but maybe tone down the amount of little things (namely books cuz there is a lot of them). especially in classrooms i feel like it is too cluttered even for a destroyed school.
another thing: for gameplay, a few areas might be so cluttered that moving around would be too difficult. tho maybe u intend that. idk

other than that, insane progress in 3 months. gj

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theme build is:

Basics in Behavior/Fundamental Paper Education by Kaaatie

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i see. visually it lines up well. all of the gameplay stuff i said still applies tho. unless, you don’t intend it to be used for a game and it’s more of a showcase. oh yh btw the gameplay stuff only applies to the classrooms, the rest of the school is perfect.

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