FEEDBACK about my Gfx!

hi! im new in this Community, and i want some feedback about my recent gfx! advice are welcome​:heart::heart:


I really like the bottom one! The only thing I see that could be changed possibly is that it seems like there’s these dot or like a transparent static effect onto the image which I’d remove. The top few have characters that look a bit too shiny and maybe transparent which I’d change, but overall it’s good!


thankss for the advice! ill take it for my nre gfx’s!


The 1st GFX looks you forgot to take off the plastic wrapping.

  • Lower the roughness on your GFX.

  • Use Cycles to get crispy lighting (Do not use cycles if you pc is a potato).

  • If you are using cycles turn on denoising data go to compositing press ‘Shift+A’ type denoise connect noisy image and noisy normal.

  • 2 things you can do to make your image quality better (also don’t do this if pc potato) turn up your sampling rate 200-300 for a clean image, go for a 4K render so it’s harder to zoom in and see each pixels.

Edit: Rendering things in cycles runs fine if you have a GTX 500 series and above.

That’s all the things I found. :+1:


Here’s some texture sites if you need to texture some of your objects. ↓

That’s all the Good ones I know.

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I really like all of them. The top one is my favorite.


They all look good! except the top one looks like you tried to make a mirror my turning the IOR all the way up on a glass BDSF


ohh thanksss!! wow i didn’t realize that!

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i was trying to make my avatar looking like glossy idk lol

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Wooooow, no comments, that’s… incredible

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looks very nice, I like the effects on the last one, try to play with lighting and textures. the first one needs a bit more lightning & some work on the glossy texture. other than that, you’re doing well!

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Same, the top one is my favourite.

Would give it 10/10.


The first one looks a bit too shiny - still good though

The others are really good too. Keep goin!


The water in the second render looks way too reflective, it’s almost like a lake of organic mercury. I suggest turning the roughness higher and adding less metallic and specular.

The first render has similar problems. The character is way too reflective, almost like Terminator T1000. Same as before, I suggest turning the metallic and specular lower.

The third render has a good “story” behind it, but the actual quality and overall appearance isn’t the greatest, I suggest adding more after effects and visual effects for a higher quality final render.

Looks really good! but on the first one it’s a bit too reflective!

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So is the classic gtx 1660 ti good enough? :wink: