Feedback about my rhythm game

Hello Devforum users,

I’ve been working on a little rhythm game and i need your feedback. You can leave your feedback here or inside the game itself.

Play it here


The game dynamics are good but it could be better, such as adding UI effects or sound effects when you touch a note. The UI is too flat I recommend improving it, try using more colors and add more contrast.
Your game needs some improvement but it has a lot of potential, keep it up!


I recommend making the ui show which keys are bound to those little circles, (the ones that are required to be pressed to hit the notes correctly) and make the ui more flamboyant. The ui currently is super bland and flat, not necessarily bad, but it doesnt convince you to keep playing the game. If the ui was more userfriendly, and wasnt as flat I would totally play this game in my free time! Keep up the good work!


Alright thanks for the feedback i’m gonna work on improving the UI

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Alright thanks for the feedback!

I’m working on improving everything :smile:

You can enable “Hitsounds” in the Settings to have sound effect when hitting a note