Feedback & Advice on openworld environment

I am currently working on a futuristic-ish openworld game on Roblox. Right now I am working on the environment to be big, beautiful, detailed and unique. Here is my progress as of this post:

Front view

Top view

I feel like there are many things that I could make better, but I’m not sure what to do. You can reply to let me know how i could improve.


Can you share more pictures or even a link to the place so we could give you better feedback?
From what I can currently see, it looks really nice.


The picture you show us is really amazing! I think it looks flawless! If we had more pictures as @Krunnie said we could help young little more on finding issues.

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More pictures please, also I think it’s very interesting but I don’t quite understand what’s happening here;

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It looks pretty great, but as stated before, we need to see a few more pictures.
Anyways, I love the unique colors you’ve used. In my opinion, it does look futuristic-ish.
Maybe you could add rivers, and a little more vegetation.
Overall it looks great!

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I updated the topic to include a top view screenshot. There are lots of places where things are missing, since the terrain is flat but extremely big.

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It looks really nice and I have a few suggestions:

  • Since you said you’re working on a futuristic-ish environment I guess you could add more alien like plants/ odd unseen plants.

  • Glowing rocks or ores.

  • Maybe Clouds?

  • Lava Rivers or some sort of river.

  • I don’t think that snow really matches the rest of the map(hot,red):
    04%20pm 00%20pm

  • Maybe some caves or ravines.

I hope some of these helped. Keep up the good work!