Feedback and help on my Agent Building

I’m working on this Agent game and need criticism on this building. I think it looks to much like sci-fi. I’ve also edited it since my last post, but something seems off about it. Please reply and tell me what I can add/change. Anything helps.


Wow wow wow this is cool! Good work. :slight_smile:

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I like the idea, I think should be good if u use lighter colors for the red neon, example: #ff3737
Good luck with that :+1:

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Looks futuristic. I like it. But maybe change the color of the car window?

[Edit] Speaking of the car, can you give a clearer picture of it?

Thank you, and I will. Also do you think that, that futuristic building is a good fit for the game? It’s not really gonna be one, but I just thought it looked nice.

If this supposed to be in a modern-day time, then the build might not fit in, unless it’s at area 51 or something like that.

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