Feedback and suggestions for a simple room

Hello! I am currently making a small room where the player will start in. It is supposed to have a sort of metallic warehouse and SCP-inspired aesthetic. It’s not complete yet, but I would like some feedback on what I have currently, such as the colour and material choice, and what I could add to the room.

Here is an updated image of what I have currently

Update 2, gave materials some more texture:


I think this is a good player spawn room.

Some feedback,

This floor part of the wall highlighted in red in the below image, the material bothers me and I recommend changing it, all around in the room. Same with the ceiling.

I like the blue light, however I would recommend reducing the reflectiveness of it a bit (Also take a look at what these lights look like at reduced graphics in the roblox settings), as it feels too much.

I would add something to the office desk in the room as the overall areas feels a little empty!

Overall, this is a decent player spawn room!


Thank you so much for the feedback! How do I reduce the reflectiveness of a material? I tried to change the reflectance value, but that doesn’t seem to do anything

I think you should add more stuff like pens, paperwork, a computer, and plants to make the room fit the aesthetic and not just some paper lying around. Also make a material for the floor, it’s too shiny

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the office chair and stack of papers do not match with the rest of the room and look low quality (I’m assuming they are free models)

everything else looks good i like the effect on the window but its not done yet so idk

Yeah, the office chair was just a free model I took, so I will probably model one in blender if it looks out of place.

Thank you for the suggestion! Adding those to the room made it look much better. Do you know if there is anyway to change the specular or reflective value of a material without having to change the actual material? I like how metal looked on the floor, but it was just too reflective. I had to compromise by using a Texture object instead, but now it’s missing the normal map Roblox’s built-in Metal material had.

Here is an update on how the room looks like now with your feedbacks!

I also just realised Roblox finally added the ability to pop the viewport window out separately, so the resolution of the images should be a lot better!

I don’t know much about texturing. But you can create a new material and apply maps on it (how the light reacts to the texture, how shiny or roughness it is, etc.) and make it based on existing material like Metal.

I didn’t notice last time but the collum shouldn’t be wood, if you go for a lab setting then I think concrete or metal fit better

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Yeah, the wood does look pretty out of place. Here’s just a quick update on how it looks now

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