Feedback and testers for new Idle game

Hiya! My team and I at Skiddo Studios have been working together to create an idle game, which was derived from a Christmas cabin game we created in 2020 as a group of friends for fun and to represent our friendship through the game to remember the years.

This past Christmas seemed to have caused the game to blow up a bit from the sudden rush of players into our game and community, and we therefore decided it would be best to make it into an idle game for them. This is still very early into the development of the game- but we have many more updates and ideas for the game to come soon.

Please if you guys may, provide some feedback, tips and fixes or suggestions that would best the game for our community! Thank you. : )



In my opinion, this is more of an experience than a game. Be hard to give you suggestion on “what would best the game for our community”. As far as an experience, You could just improve your objects and/or new textures.

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Looking good, you should just change the UI a bit, also noticed that the avatars can’t use emotes in screenshot mode.

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Okay, sounds good. Thank you for the suggestions, we’re still working on some ideas. It definitely is more of an experience than a game at the current.

Yep! We’re trying to work on the UI but our team is pretty limited in terms of making good UI. We’re learning though heh. And yeah, we’ll get that fixed soon. Thanks for it.

main suggestion would be to make the donation boards and stuff a bit more decorated

like ik its not really part of the experience but its kinda distracting when its this really pretty game and then theres just 4 boards that look like they came from a random simulator game lol

also, maybe make the door (i only saw 1 door in the entire game so im gonna say door, there might be more but i didnt see em lol) an actual door rather then just can collide false (just feels cooler)

lastly, these chairs:

I do be floatin’

btw hi there

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Haha, hey I noticed you there! Definitely will fix the chairs.

We’ve already completed another pretty big update that features a few more new things. We will definitely work on the boards though, it does look a bit plain, doesn’t it? I might work on making the door E to open so the animation is also slightly better.

Thanks for joining and testing it, it was awesome having you here.