Hello everyone. I have been working on a suburban bedroom. Please tell me how I did. Remember, this is just the bedroom. Also, if you want the model or the furniture, it will be listed below.
You could add tons of more details into the room. in my opinion.
Please elaborate. Thanks for the feedback.
Hm, maybe like change some of the textures up? All I really see is wood and tiles. Maybe add a carpet? You could also add a mirror onto the dresser. And I can’t really tell what texture the roof is, maybe change that. Lastly, add some frames to the windows.
Hello! Personally I think the build is ok. It could have been better. Some things that could add more detail/ things to change : i personally thing the textures on the walls and ceiling dont look good. I would change those to a different texture or just leave them blank. Secondly i feel like the desk it WAY to tall compared to the bed and chair. Thirdly I would change up the colors for the stool, cabinet, desk and pot. They look to similar.
I agree with the desk size on this, and the colors.
Yeah. I get it now. I could add some paintings and stuff. Do you know a plugin that has textures in it? I could barely find any good textures in the library.
This room is overly undersized whilst other parts are overly over-sized. Not much else can be said beside what has been by others.
About Me
Hi My Name Is Stylxus And I Have Been Building Over 2 Months Now And I Will Be Giving You Some Constructive Criticism.
What I Think About The Build
- Bed 7/10
- Bedside Cabinet 3/10
- Dresser 4/10
- Chair 2/10
- Transcan 4/10
- Scaling 2/10
- Wall Detail 7/10
- Floor 5/10
How I Think You Can Improve It
- Bed — : Its good but i feel there the mattress seems to small i would suggest re scaling it
- Bedside Cabinet —: it Just Seems Too Basic It Looks Like You Spent 2 Min On It And Detail More Colors More Edges More Parts More “DETAIL”
- Dresser ----: OK The Scaling On That Thing Looks Broken Its Bigger Then Then Bed Its Too High Too Big Too Plain No Enough Detail To Impress A Buyer
- Chair Also Looks Like a 2 Min Job More Detail More Colors Look At Pictures Of Real Chairs And Try To Re Make it
- Trashcan- i have never seen a wooden trashcan im my life plus its too plain yea trashcans are for trash but once again look at pictures in real live
- Scaling - OK im sorry but that room so so cluster phobic. scale it out once again look at real life rooms
- Walls Are OK
- Floor Try making Ur own floor instead of textures
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.
Sure thing just trying to helpout a fellow builder