[FEEDBACK] Buy Cash UI design - POLL

So I made a buy cash sign that I want your opinion on.

Questions I want answered:

  1. Are the colors good?
  2. Is the design good?

So here are two polls for both questions:

  • The colors are awesome
  • The colors are great
  • The colors are good
  • The colors are bad
  • The colors are ok

0 voters

  • The design is awesome
  • The design is great
  • The design is good
  • The design is bad
  • The design is ok

0 voters

Thank you for reading! I appreciate it!


It needs more colors. It looks very boring to people. Also, the buttons are a little big, shrink them a little.


Make all the text white, make the “+# Cash” buttons ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) i.e. white. Also, add a UIGradient that goes from light green to green and make the UIGradient.Rotation = 90. Then make the “% Extra” like purple or something that contrasts well with Green.


I used a UIGridLayout. Is this ok? Or should I just do it manually?

UIGridLayout is fine and good for this sort of situation. Just decrease the horizontal cell size and vertical cell size slightly and increase the grid spacing between cells.

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Very boring to me. It’s not very colorful. The design is okay, It’s not my favorite. Depends on how you want your sign, I’d suggest making it look more like low-poly wood.

Anyways, keep improving your skills!

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First question: I don’t like the fact that the buttons are a different shade of brown. I wasn’t able to see it well. I suggest changing the ‘% Extra’ red, green, blue, etc. I also suggest changing ‘Buy {number of} Cash’ color to something else as well.
Question 2: I personally like how the sign itself is simple.


Looks boring I think you can color differently and shrink bubbles. :slight_smile:


The fact that this text has no breathing room (padding) makes me go crazy image


I decided to remake the UI. (My last post asking for feedback on the upgraded UI was deleted.) Here it is

So… How good is it now?

  • Perfection
  • Just a few more touches
  • Needs a lot more touches
  • Has to be redone (again)

0 voters


The text is a little hard to read. Other than that, it’s amazing!
Also, try capitalizing the “Buy Cash!” to “BUY CASH!”. It may make it stand out more.


I would change TextStrokeTransparency to 0.9 or 0.8 to make thetext more visible. I would also recommend abbreviating the numbers to 243K, 450K, etc… or at least at commas or spaces to make it easier to read the numbers. Abbreviating would also make all the text be the same size, which is something you definitely need to do. And finally, the title is usually a different font from the text below it, so try making it semibold or bold. Might also want to leave a slightly larger gap between the title and the buttons.

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Hey. I changed the TextStrokeTransparency to 0.75, but haven’t abbreviated the numbers. I added one for Crystals, and there are not many 0’s.

As you can see with the Crystals sign, Tier 6 is 5625, and abbreviating that would make it 5.625K or 5.6K. 5.6K isn’t the exact number, so players might not buy it.

I also forgot to make the title a different font.


Looking good though! Also I often had the issue of text not being visible on SurfaceGuis and it was usually due to LightInfluence, maybe try play around with that?


You might want to attract people with the board, I won’t be able to see the best deal label if too far. Apart from that, the buy cash button causes eye strain, you might want to pick a better color for the cash backgroumd.


Good job! This looks a lot better than the previous one, that’s for sure. One last detail, the background color for the “BUY CASH” board could do with a different, a bit more darker color.


The color of the board is fine, but everything else seems the same besides the “BEST DEAL!” text. You should make the fonts different and text color different, and make the “Extras” pop out more with a bright color. Also, board is really small and it looks very cramped.

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