[FEEDBACK] Chinese styled house


Another build, which I forgot to post.

I finished it about a month ago. What do you think about it?


From the screenshots it looks really nice. It’d be lovely though if you could attach maybe a place link so we can check it out ingame for ourselves! I’m sure you could even add a tip onto it.

If you can do that, I’ll be able to give a even more meaningful opinion! (will edit this message)

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Impressive. Here’s some perspective:

  • On color-wise comments, the entire build has a spectrum of colors between yellow and green. Could you possibly expand the spectrum to red by building something symbolic to Chinese culture?
  • Overall outdoor environment and landscaping is at its finest.
  • Error at 5th screenshot at the top right, apparently they didn’t connect.
  • Chair in the 5th screenshot is not as detailed as the rest of the build, consider upgrading it.
  • As a suggestion, could you try using custom textures(or wait until custom materials update.)?

Could you provide a screenshot from above towards the building?


Yup. Here it is, also I edited post. Peaceful Morning - Roblox

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Thanks for advices. i’ll surely change most of these.

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it really looks realistic for my taste because u make a is an art not any like other game

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Thats really good. I couldn’t build something that good. I like the detail and the lighting.

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Thanks for your opinion @RISING_ROBLOX and @X_ZN0 :slight_smile:

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It looks great so far!

I honestly would just suggest expanding on the house itself, you need to include more colour choices in your build as a whole.


Looks impressive. The colour matches all along, but I still suggest expanding the colour choices a little. The little details are, what makes the showcase clear and sort of realistic.


Thanks @xStarfully & @SimplyHase :slight_smile:


Hi @AV3RR, I love the detail and the lighting in your build.

I’m not really sure what feedback I could give that you haven’t already received, but I would love to see the finished product once you have taken on board any comments from others on this thread. Keep us updated!