(Feedback) Dank paintball

(This is a mod of mad paintball but loleris allows it if it’s non profit)
Please tell me what I should change, character stats, music, and others.

(p.s use fan code DevForum for 4x exp for 1hr) (Only available for 3 hours after this post.)

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I have to stop you here.

Did he actually say that, or are you assuming?

If you found a leaked version of the game, rather than it being open-sourced loleris himself, you have already broken some rules on Roblox.

No, loleris approved it. As long as its non profit he doesn’t care

Actually, he did not approved. You are just breaking rules. He did not said that so he don’t approved.

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Did he directly message you that, or is there a post somewhere regarding that?
Does the game have the “three dots” to allow it to be edited by you?

If you said no to one of these, you have broken the rules and the game is eligible to get removed and your account punished.

Approved in private for me and my colleague

Moved to Cool Creations, which is the place to post threads seeking general feedback.

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I’m not really sure about this, everone can edit photos.

(cc @loleris )

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it’s not edited. Why would I post this on the forum, of which loleris is a user, asking for help with my clear mod of his game?

Don’t think it’s edited, there’s no point in editing that image and there’s also no way to do so with something like inspect element on mobile. Also it’s perfectly positioned as a normal discord conversation is, which is also impossible to do.

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I’m fairly certain it isn’t edited what so ever. If loleris didn’t approve, he would go right to him or comment on this post.

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Exactly, I don’t understand why people think i’d fake his approval on a forum he’s a well known member of.