Hello! This is my first time ever creating a thumbnail. Yes I drew it myself. I just wanted some feedback on how I can improve.
I think that looks amazing! I honestly wouldn’t change anything about it.
I’d say this thumbnail looks great! This could look good for a 100th attempt! You’re really skilled at drawing!
Thank you so much!
30 characters
Thank you! I appreciate that.
Would I be able to hire you to make a thumbnail for my upcoming project?
Of course! I am available right now actually, my discord is FallenAngel#8658
I don’t have Discord, can I contact you via DevForum PMs?
Oh sorry, Yes that is okay.
30 chars
I’ve sent the message
30 characters.
This looks really good! I’d honestly buy some stuff from you. Keep up the good work.
Yup this looks super good. Great job
Thank you!
30 characterssssssss
Hey @calvin19987. This looks amazing.
- Dxiien
Nice creation, well done @calvin19987. I hope you do better than this in future!
This looks really great! I’m not very experienced in drawing thumbnails, but you look like you’ve been creating thumbnails for a long time! Good job.
Wow, thank you!
30 chararacters
This is amazing, especially for your first try!
I do have some suggestions regarding your lettering, it looks like you hand-drew all of it in a raster program, which is no problem, but it can be frustrating occasionally! (I wouldn’t suggest to change your program though, unless you’re making a logo!)
Due to the nature of raster art, smooth lines can be difficult to achieve. A lot of programs give you the ability to “streamline” your brush, which can help reduce the pixelation/wobbling of curves and other vertexes. You have a few points in your letters where they fade out into nothingness, which can be a little confusing to look at. This is usually due to the brush you chose to letter with, and the pressure-sensitivity options. I suggest using a brush without that opacity taper in the end, a lot of hand-lettering brushes usually have this feature built in.
Regardless of all of that, this is still incredible for your first time! I love staring at it honestly. Hand-lettering is a pain in raster programs, and you handled it very well.
(I figure I should explain the difference between raster art and vector art, so here’s an additional thing to help. It may benefit you to do vector art in the future to produce clean logos, though what you’re doing right now is great!)
Looks amazing, nice work!
Thank you so much! This really helped me. I will take this into consideration.