[FEEDBACK] Environmental Builds and Ruins

I’ve been working on a showcase game for like a month now and I would like some feedback for it. I’ve spent 90% of the time building and the rest looking up scripting tutorials for simple stuff (because im not a scripter). Please dont judge me on gameplay, I want feedback on the builds. I added mini sidequests for locked doors, there are currently 2 but im working on added more. Please take your time and look around. Look at the ceiling, colors, details, etc…

Everything was made by me in blender or in studio. Only 2 free models(the candle bc it has a cool effect and the web). Some catalog items appear but very few. Other than that it was completely made by me.

GAME LINK: [Alpha] Ruins - Roblox

Screenshots (please dont give feedback by looking at these alone, playing it ingame gives makes it feel alive) :

no screenshots in the castle, too dark in studio, you’ll need to play the game to see that part


This game has such great detail and atmosphere for a Creepy kind of vibe (if that’s what your going for)
I know it’s a showcase but I’d love to see a game like this with a story line! If you kept up with the scripting you could soon create a really cool game :smiley:


VERY good game. There was an element of adventure from when I played it, and although Im a bit sad I never found the green key :sad: I still had a blast. Amazing job. The only thing I would change is that in the very first section there are support beams, but nothing they are supporting. Other than that great job!


The building is top tier. I was actually pretty surprised. If you had a dedicated scripter and maybe a UI designer to help you, then you could make a really good game.

i just added support beams to make the room feel less empty and more detailed. if it makes you happy, the support beams are there to hold up the roof

Pretty cool I like most everything except the barrier cliffs or what ever don’t really work in my opinion. I think it’s be better if you used mountains or a cliff with a waterfall and river. Remember all civilizations are by a source of water and especially back in Ancient Rome and Greece. Over all good work and keep it up, John! :slight_smile:

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The build looks decent I like the lighting and the little fog you placed inside your build, it gives the place more life, however I notice some of the pillars show the same design, but I see some look all cracked which is good, however I would recommend maybe adding some cracks onto the pillars like the side parts just to give it more detail if you know what I mean.

However the pillar and tree models look stunning, but maybe adding some bits of the cracked pieces on the floor where the pillars broke would add a bit more to the scene.

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Great Idea! I should add a dock like area to show that this Civilization had a good source of water. I’ll also reconsider/redesign the barriers.

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No I mean in the field at the very beginning