Feedback (First poly medieval house)

Hello, for my game I built some little medieval houses and I don’t know if my houses look like good ?

Thanks for all feedback. (sorry for my bad english)


These are very good! I like how you did the same basic shape and added different variations. The only suggestion I have is to center the circles (shop and upgrade) my OCD is acting up seeing them unaligned :joy:

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Very good build better than all of my build but what I will make the roof stick out a little bit, here are some examples




The roofs in medieval houses and in real life stick out a little that will make them have a little bit of depth and not be a flat but overall Very good build!


Really cool!!! :+1: I have no suggestions to give you but nice build.

not bad looking, keep moving forward,pal.

It’s really cool and it’s not bad. :smiley:

Wow! It looks so good! I kinda wanna ask you if there is already a script added to this.

Actually is a simple model, you can do nothing with.

Oh, okay! Thanks for letting me know!

this looks very nice it gives me the memory’s of dungeon quest and other medieval games keep up the work!

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