Feedback for a GFX banner that will be posted through a server


Hello! I made a banner for a fro-yo group and it will be used for several matters. I apologise if the three banners have a similar style. They told me to have it in the same style and I cannot do anything about it since they told me so… Anyways, I need your opinions/voices for this GFX banner that I need. Just opinions, no roasting/insulting. Thank you! <3


Awesome gfx! The text is great, blends well with the background. I only find the avatars to be kind of bland, maybe too low of a contrast (?). In my opinion, making the blacks/whites stick out more on the avatar could make it more eye-catching, as you’d want the viewer to notice the avatars and the text logo first rather than the background. Overall, very nice!!

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Thank you so much! I appreciate it. <33