Feedback for a sandbox tycoon HUD

Working on a HUD for the sandbox tycoon I’ve been working on. Thoughts?
Notes: Pictures 1, 3, and 4 are taken on 720p scale. Prototype window picture taken on 1080p scale. Smaller scales should not be an issue as the game won’t support mobile (considering some of the models I’ve made it’d melt the things)
EDIT: Planned is the inclusion of a subtle hex pattern on some of the flat backgrounds, I just haven’t gotten around to creating the required image assets yet.

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The UI looks amazing! The only criticism I have is that the UI is really close to each other in the menu.

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Looks awesome! The text under the “Prototypes” logo is kind of small however, I can imagine it being taxing on the eyes of the players. Other than that, it’s super clean!

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