Feedback for abandoned Island

Hello, fellow developers!
I’m a solo dev, working on an adventure game, centered around some abandoned islands and—
Lets just get into it
So, since I’m a solo dev, I’m working on the scripts, the building, effects, and mechanics all by myself, so I guess I need some feedback on my island(s) (I’m much better at scripting than modeling/building). Currently, the atmosphere and everything is cool, but I’ve realized that when I actually play the game (as apposed to looking at it through studio), the ground seems a little empty.
Here are some screenshots

The main thing is that the ground seems a little empty, but I can’t add any small debris to fill it up, otherwise players might mistake it as something they can pick up (Since my game as an inventory system).

If you have any idea or feedback on anything, it is much appreciated

Thanks for reading! :grin:


Your building is great! What if you can add rubbish on the ground and some dead bushes if you can.


Ah, yes, dead bushes! How could I forget? Anyway, the hardest part is building it (Again, I’m a much better scripter than builder)
I’ll try to make some, and I’ll send some more screenshots

If anyone else has any other ideas, it would be much appreciated


The island looks simplistic If you look up reference images related to the design your going for, you will see it has a bunch of vegetation moss growing in the rocks and other elements.

I would try making the house itself look abandoned, throw some vine dirty walls and broken or cracked pieces on it to fit the style as it would improve the quality of the scene a bit more. It’s a good start, I like the overall appearance and theme you’re going for. Perhaps include some other buildings or structure of trees and dead nature objects.

When placing elements, make sure to not overdo the areas as it could sometimes lead to cluttering. Otherwise it’s a start there is still small improvements that could be made throughout the entire island.


I’ve built a little personal plugin for generating bushes! :smiley: It makes things much easier
I’ll probably try to do some things you said, mainly other dead vegetation and dirtier/damaged walls/structures

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Looks really good! I like how the zombies have the "uhhhUhhhh"s above their head.

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What’s the car, out of curiosity.

Its an “OldMineCart”
Just a cart with car wheels and seats inside:D
Its been a while since this topic was created, and I’ve already made an early version of my game public. You can check it out here:

The lighting and environment is very nice, but as you said it looks empty. I would add some more vegetation (you should do this in blender if you know how to) along with some destroyed items that people would generally have on an island. You could add some trees or logs as well. One issue I have is that the house doesn’t seem to look the best right now, and I think that has to do with the shape of it, along with the material and window. It looks a bit to “boxy” if you know what I mean. So I would change the shape of it to be more than just a box, along with changing the window because it seems a bit too low. But right now, you seem to have a good start so keep up the good work!