Feedback for an obby I made

Hi, thanks for clicking and reading this

I wanted to show you this obby I made in 30 mins or so

I made it so that there could be some skilled obby people who can finish this for a prize in my other game

About the game
Kicks you when you die
Has the happy home
Water kills along with lava

Thanks again, and pls give honest feedback


I made it hard so that it wouldnt be easy


Hello, your game is very nice and the format makes it sort of addicting!

Heres some recommendations that I think could improve your game:

- Music - The game feels really stale and empty, some music could really bring it to life. ( really do think about what music would suit the game though)

- Game Icon - I know you probably were considering adding this but make a custom icon for your game, add some screenshots and or animated scenes of the game to entice the player. If you can afford it, maybe think about adding a trailer (although It does cost 500 robux!)

- GUI - The game feels really enclosed and isolated with no interface, however, (and this is important). You have made a hard game, people do not want their screens to be littered with gui, make sure it’s their but not interfering.

- A shop maybe? - I see you have integrated a time leaderstat, try making this a datastore and use it as a currency! Players could use their time to maybe purchase a temporary power-up.

Anyway all of these are just suggestions and always do what you think is right!

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Music is a really good idea, thanks for that

The icon isnt gonna be professional but I can make one

I wont make any guis, its just a small game for a reward

Shop, I dont think people will care about a shop, they will be doing the obby, ust trying to finish it

Thanks for the suggestions

Oh and question, do the signs on the obby mess you up, or are those fine

I don’t know if it’s just me but when I join I fall through the floor, I didn’t even touch my keyboard when joining but I got kicked after
Edit: Problem fixed its self

Experienced it myself, got stuck

I will just make it some transparent part

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The obby is pretty well built, it was difficult for me! 8/10

cool W.

Congrats for finishing, I think ou are the first person who did it legitimately
The other person was a hacker :sad:

I might try and figure out how to make like an inventory system that lets you equip stuff, for a round system

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