Feedback for Arsenal fan art!

Hey what do yall think of this fan art for Arsenal?

It includes the Arsenal skin Kyle. It took 30 mins and i was half asleep while i drew this lol.


yeah i draw like a toddler lol, jk its just my art style so i can rush


the eyelashes are the eyebrows, its the style and thats why it looks squished and the lines are weird, and hes holding shades lol


That really does look like a rock tho.

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That looks okay. Maybe use this reference image for an improvement since hat doesn’t look like a helmet to me.


ye i used that ref, and lol your from the basic server right?

I agree. You need to work on your drawing style a bit.


LOL it does, but thats just the style

You can improve that A LOT without changing styles. It’s a bad drawing, the main thing is you need to improve.


ye ik its trash, but how can i improve?

Get more precise on your lines, don’t overlap things unrealistically, and maybe take a few classes/tutorials on how to draw. Maybe do a few challenges also to help your skills.

yeah i barely have a year of doing art so imn trash : /

its okay, just work on it and do showcases when you are sure it looks good.

but this is a new art style i have made, i am a lot better at other styles, like this one i made.

Yes, it looks better. Like 20000X Better.

tbh, couldn’t do better, nice style, I like it not too good but at the same time it’s not too bad(lol)

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I like it! My only suggestion would be to straighten out the lines more if you can.

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“Its a bad drawing” “looks like a toddler drew it”

He said he was half asleep and took him 30 minutes. This was done in a computer. This is his own style you can’t cal a style bad.

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I think it’s not a bad drawing if you spent 30 minutes on it. You could always improve on it, but I don’t understand some people’s points of how there are only four fingers or if the eyelash is on the hair (we literally see the same thing in anime) when that is the style of the artist.

If I were you, I would just keep drawing (with no rush), improve on the style, and not care too much if this detail is off or if the lines are overlapping. Just draw consistently, take some inspiration from other styles, and you’ll find improvement.

Don’t double down on your own drawing just from someone’s opinion. It’s on you if you find it good or not.

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Tbh other people think its bad. But for me I think it is really good!