Feedback for creation need

I’d like to know what improvements you would give for my creation.

Edit: the game isn’t completely done, so don’t be so serious, if it was “done” I wouldn’t be creating this thread

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Remove the tags please!

It’s a solitary confinement room with a comfortable bed in the middle. I’m not playing this for another second.


You put more tags than you did any other general information about your stuff in the description, half of the tags aren’t really appropriate, it’s all corny really.

There is already a game like this that had gotten popular, but only because some youtuber played it, I don’t think this is a very good game idea if I’m being honest, there really isn’t much to do (what am I expecting out of a literal white room), but you should definitely add a bunch of different things to help make the game stick out despite it being a model, a leaderboard, and a bunch of meshes that make a box.


I’m really hurt that literally you’re not paying attention, because at least the badges, and the game description itself saying that there is “escape”, i bet you just joined for 2 seconds, because you can knock the door, random sounds happens, camera watching you and so on. Please next time pay more attention.

Right but here is the thing, where did you first mention this in your game’s description?

The first thing someone is going to do is join to see what your game is about, possibly read the description first, NOT read badges, more than likely at least. This is exactly why:

I’m not trying to be any rude here, but you’re also saying that we must be in your game for 4 hours?

There really isn’t much you have specified about your game, you really haven’t attempting to inform the player about what they could see, what the end goal is, and possibly give them clues as to how to play it.

Like, why do we have to be in the game for 4 hours straight?
What is the point of the game?
How do I play it correctly?
Do others know how to play the game?
What else can I do that might not be apart of leading up to the end goal?

I’m sorry to say this but you really haven’t answered these questions, if you don’t have really anything cool about your game then of course people like me are going to join for 2 seconds and dip without seeing what else your game has to offer.

Just having sounds that I can hear cause I knocked on a door isn’t really, and will never really encourage me to play all the way through.

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I believe if you get rid of those tags in the description and implement them into a description with those keywords that would help. You should also get rid of the room being dark because in the thumbnail it is light, the title “White Room” is a lie because the room is practically black with all of the shadows. I think you should light up the room, let users choose their own clothing, make the bed smooth plastic, and add invisible walls to the sides because people try to climb up them the way it is built.

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I can’t remove the white clothes because they are part of the “insulator”, about the lights I agree, I think the climbing part is fun too

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Corrected description, sorry for that

Today was update, that added badges, because as you can see the game is new (also sorry for not mentioning that)

Do you even know in reality what an insulator is? Would you have been given instructions on what to do in real life, too? The description of the game is enough to know what to do.

I genuinely don’t even know what you need feedback on? Other than the tags. The game is quite literally a white room with a chair what kind of feedback are you looking for?

i will play the game forever and ever

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you mean that the game is already perfected and nothing more needs to be added to it?

yes definitely it is perfect :sunglasses: