Feedback for forest game

Hello I am making a forest game and I would like to know your thoughts on a few things so I can improve it.

I wan’t to know which one of these is better. (The other one uses the new atmosphere and the other one uses regular fog):

I’d also like to know which one of these is better. (The other one uses the old materials and the other one uses the new materials):

Also here are some screenshots of the game. I’d like to know what’s good about them and what can I improve:

Anyways thank you for for looking at my post. :wink:

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I like this forest. I prefer the fog since it gives a “mystery vibe” to your map. Maybe add small/big rocks and other stuff you usually find in the forest (mushrooms, fallen trees, dead trees,…). Other than that, n0ice forest! :+1:

And what theme your game is (horror, vibe, tycoon, RP,…)? If horror, try adding a day/night cycle. The dark forest at night is definitely the scariest thing I know!

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