Feedback for graphic

I have finished my graphic work need for the feedback!


Wow, this render looks really good! The only thing that I can say looks like it needs some improvement is the lighting behind the windows. Everything else looks really high quality, but back there it looks as if there are two light sources blurred by glass, even though their is no glass there. I would either put some trees or some sort of background there to really pull together the image. Even a lake would do, or anything really that a castle or wherever the character is would be overlooking. Hope this helps, and good luck!

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Thank you for the feedback, the truth behind me is that it looks like a light pole that can’t be seen in the dark, but the feedback is very impressive.

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Looks Amazing! You should add a little more light going around the corner.

It’s very nice, has a nice creepy feel. The scene is nice. Could have a dead guy next to him to make it a bit more scary? But all in all it is great. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback! I should have made it look even scarier with your suggestions.

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