Feedback for jailbreak Logo!

About me
Hey i am luca (16) i show you my logo for jailbreak,
I hope you give me feedback



You should add a background. It seems to be swallowed up by the white. The K has a weird black smudge:
Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 9.02.37 AM
It’s a good start!

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Personally I feel like the logo could be better. Firstly I would join the text and make the helicopter overlay the text in one corner. I would also add a glow around the logo itself and maybe add some glare to it to!

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ok thx for your feedback <3 :smiley:

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ok great idea thx for your feedback <3

Looks simple!

Don’t worry, everything simple for me is awesome!

I like your logo, you could add some gradients to the logo, and more designs, like fire, buildings in the words, etc!

But i like the logo so far :+1:


thank you very much <3 :smiley: Thats nice

It’s ok, maybe connect both words? Also if I were you, I would overlap the helicopter over the two (connected hopefully) words. It’s good for a beginner though.

Just wanted to say this, do not sell this logo or use it for commercial use. I’m pretty sure Jailbreak is a property of Badimo so if you did use this (commercially) then you would probably get DMCA’d.

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okay thanks for your feedback!

Hey there! Good start to the logo, here are some of my suggestions!

The text edges are very rigid, you way want to fix that. image
I like what you did with the helicopter, I suggest you connect them all or at least bring them closer togeather. Kinda like this

Hope this helps!

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It doesn’t look bad, however I feel like it’s a little empty. The text, also looks pretty bland, you should pick more of an exciting font.

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Okay Thank you for the feedback <3

Seems a little bland to me. The white does swallow the text and the helicopter up :stuck_out_tongue: The text design is good, but I would like to see some little text at the bottom, like a caption or something. Maybe add some NPC’s in the background, and spice it up a little bit. But other than that, it looks pretty good :heart:

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Helicopter looks very just uh, put in if you know what I mean. Other than that it looks pretty good.

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Looks simple and clean. Like what everyone else says, its a little too bland. Other than that, good work!

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