Feedback for low poly tree

Here is what it looks like

This is my first low poly tree and I need some feedback.


Looks really nice, would take me ages to make that.


its pretty easy with the right type of tutorial


I’ve always been interested in building and 3D modeling, so I’ll look into those tutorials.


Nice tree! I should probably try making a tree too. Also, comparing the leaves to the rest of the tree, The leaves look lower poly than the branches.


It looks decent. But the area marked with black should be more widened than the upper branches (Marked with red). I’d also recommend trying the decimate modifier with some of the leaves to give it random shape.
Great job!


Thank you, I will keep note and make it better.

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Personally, I like the fact that it narrows a bit. It makes it less realistic but more cartoony, which I guess is the point of low poly. Though if it wasn’t low poly, I would probably agree that it should be thicker at the bottom


If I were searching for these types of trees in Toolbox and saw yours I would take it. Looks very nice :+1:! I also like the Cartoony style of it.


Looks great! Nice job!
30 char

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Looks great! :+1:
Maybe you can put another branch at the front as there seems to be nothing at the front. :slightly_smiling_face:

(This isn’t hating comments or insulting comments)
Please forgive me. :slightly_smiling_face:

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For your first low poly tree it’s amazing i think there should be more leaves in many different sizes and shapes.

In my opinion you could improve the leaves. Right now the tree looks neat, I just feel like the leaves look a little cluttered, try spacing them out so they don’t have a weird look placed on it try to make the leaves not do similar or identical, changing up things could improve the tree in general good attempt at making a low poly tree with being beginner using the software.

A solid attempt its good though.

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No complaints, this overall looks fantastic!

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