Feedback for mall map

Map mall for my game, let me know what you think :smiley_cat:


This is a fairly decent build from the looks of the screenshot, but a few things you could improve:

  • Glass should be like dark grey and not blue. Glass is never really blue.
  • In this image (below) add outlines to the windows. It feels odd since it’s the only shop without outlined windows.

It’s got a lot of nice details like the music store and the arcade looks really nice, good proportions and fun UI.
But there are a lot of inconsistencies in the design as a whole, for example the electronics store has lots of smooth plastics but the clothing store has variety throughout, the ‘under construction’ signs are wooden but the crates are not, it’s somewhat overwhelming with the material selections.
I would suggest trying to stick to a color, and material palette that goes well with the building style that you’ve got.

the floors are very wet, even the carpets


What do you mean floors are wet

fixed and added some details

before I realized the map was a prop hunt game I was baffled by how many wet floor signs there were, don’t worry, there’s nothing actually wrong with them

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Oh! do you have any other suggestions to improve on?

I can DM a list of whatever I find on the next “patch” of the map so I don’t go over things that may already be fixed. I used the game as reference and I can see the images you gave are slightly different to the game you linked

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