Feedback for my badge icons

AmberOrange MushroomBadgeBlured StatueIcon

I’m making a build game, and I have made renders for some of the objects that I have made in my world. I’m wondering if there’s anything that can be improved upon for these images. If you have any tutorials from YouTube, please link them for me. I would appreciate that.



It looks nice, but if I were you I would zoom in more on the tree in the first photo so that the player focuses on that orange. But other then that it is great :+1: Can’t wait to see the game!

Thank you :slight_smile:
I’ll try that and I’ll see how it looks.

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Really nice thought. But I don’t know is that an orange or somekind of metal ball in the first picture.

It’s an orange that is made out of amber. I have it hidden in a tree as an Easter egg in my build game.