Feedback for my first gun

After spending 2 days to study basic blender, I’ve made this pistol. (which I don’t know what the name of it. If someone knows please comment below!)


Cool I think the name of the gun is USP something


Thanks for telling me what the name of it. I done some research and it look similar! :grin:

this looks amazing for your first time

but this thing is longer than how it should be it makes the gun looks weird =-


This looks awesome!
I wish I’d been able to do this after 2 days back when I started… :smile:

I think one thing you could look into is just beveling some the sharp edges, especially along the sides of the grip.

Amazing progress in such short time, I can’t wait to see what you’ll produce in a few more months!

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Looks really cool! I think you should add some design and complexity to the handle cause it looks a bit empty.

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Thanks for your feed back. I’ll improve it on the next model. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for your comments. It’s so useful! :smiley:

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Yeah I agree. Thanks for your feed back! :relaxed:

This gun is exceptionally good for a beginner, but where’s the magazine?

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Looks really good for just 2 days of practice, for items/objects like these I would highly recommend looking into ‘Hard surface modelling’, its a really good workflow for creating these types of items which are by nature ‘hard surface’. Hard surface modelling guide, another smaller thing is the shading on the silencer, which might look strange from certain angles, this is due to vertex normals, Blender Normals This should help give an understanding about how they work and using them to the fullest. Hope this helps!


This is pretty good! However the slide is too thin, and to me it looks like the handle is to wide at the bottom but that might just the pistols design. Btw was this done by memory or reference photo?

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oh I forgot about that! thanks for reminding me :laughing:

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Thanks! your comments are very useful. :hugs:

This is my reference photo.(I didn’t sketch it by myself. I found it on google and have no idea what gun it is)

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Looks great but I recommend adding bevel modifier with a very low amont that the corners seem smooth but not too much

Edit: also use 1 segment

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Looks pretty decent, but could use lots of imrpovement. First of all the barrel has some weird shading issues which can most of the time be fixed using auto smooth. Second, the handle is way too sharp, and you should add some bevel to it. Last thing is you missed a lot of the details from the reference photo.

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You did a great job then, this just looks like someone’s concept of a pistol they drew probably not a real gun model

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Thank for the advice! :star_struck:

After I read this I know that it’s a long way to go haha. Thanks for your comments :grin:

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