Hello! I have made a new game called Planets∞. I have recently made a published Beta version. I want to hear your feedback from my game, so I can improve my skills and make a better game. I will be adding a thumbnail and description soon, and will be moving the teleport button, so there is no need to comment on those. You can find the link here. Thank you!
This game has an interesting physics system which continually challenges the player’s view of which end is up. I enjoy playing with it; my only suggestion for the engine is to base the player’s direction in relation to the centre of the planet rather than the ground they are standing on to more accurately emulate a real gravitational field.
On a side note, I noticed that the “Click to Build a Shelter” signs on Purple Plains did not disappear when I built a shelter over them. Was this intended?
Very weird and interesting, I would enjoy am entire open world game with these physics. Very cool!
I’m not that talented at scripting, so I couldn’t figure out how to make it disappear, but I will try to make it work. Also, if you’re wondering, I didn’t make the gravity myself, but I will try to see if I could edit the script to make it work that way.