Feedback for my GFX

What should i improve on my GFX

Note : ( this is my first time making a GFX )

Anyways thx for looking it


The pose is kind of weird imo but i personally like the background and lightning.It’s just first one make more u can always ask for reviews here or u can contact me through discord as well;my username is Dark_ Red#6786

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i know its a little weird but anyways thx for your feedback

its better than mine tbh

my first one lol


Wow thats look’s great and atleast i tried mine tho :joy:

Background looks good
text is not needed.
posture in general needs improvement
7/10 will return again.

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Thx for your feedback i really appreciated it

text is not needed
pose on the render can be improved
background matches the theme but low quality
overall 4/10
(not my opinion its from @Kmdq he asked me to say on discord cause he doesnt have trustlevel yet )
also i suggest watermarking ur stuff cause someone is gonna steal it one day

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Alright mate thx for the feedback

I really like it! It is really good for your first GFX.

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Background looks amazing
render needs to improve
text is not needed
overall 6/10

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