So I made a gfx styling it after modern typed designs, what do you think. I think it is ok, though there is some thing is missing.
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So I made a gfx styling it after modern typed designs, what do you think. I think it is ok, though there is some thing is missing.
0 voters
Also, anyone have any suggestions on how to improve?
Maybe make the “Montone” text less bold like the other fonts.
Besides that, this is awesome. Great job man!
Do I know what’s happening in the photo? No.
Am I amazed by it? Yes.
Nice work!
Yeah, it looks good now. Nice job.
This is amazing! The only thing is that it is a little hard to see the white text. Adding a black stroke might make it easier to see it. But I’m in love with the effects.
Great job!
My only complaint is the smoke effect, as the smoke looks too thick and bunched up together.
Lighten the smoke and add a bit of transparency and the render would look much better.
Other than the smoke and text it’s not bad.
This is really good, nice job!!!
Keep the great work up my fellow ROBLOXAINS!!!
I have no control over the smoke but i can lighten the transparency