Feedback for my Profile Game

I am wanting to get some feedback on my building for my profile game. It is pretty much done exterior and I have no idea how to make my build feel more “alive”, any suggestions?

Already messed around with lighting and what not
I also created an interior but ended up scrapping it (Will definitely finish it though!)


Though I’m personally not much a fan for depth of field (until it finally gets proper bokeh blur and better configuration), that’s some very nice lighting, feels like it’d perfectly fit a game set in autumn!

I also quite like the cabin house thing as well, feels cosy to look at, I can imagine it being in a calm nature setting.

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What’s a “profile game”? I tried looking on the forum and on Google but I couldn’t really find anything.

It’s a nice house, but it’s just on a flat plane of grass. I recommend having difference in elevation rather than one flat area. You could use Terrain, but parts can work for this too.

To fill the empty space, you can add trees, rocks, a campfire, waterfalls, a river, etc. Just something to break up the ‘empty’ feeling that’s being given here. Also, the windows are difficult to see. Making them a different color can make them stand out. The focus is on the character though, I think.

Edit: if you want to make the house stand out, I’d change some colors around. Maybe add a chimney with smoke, or something that’d draw the player’s eye. Since the ground is flat, and the house is the only thing really there, it already catches the player’s eye I think.

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Do you think I should make a bigger map and do some outside work to add more liveliness to the experience? I could make trees and make an outside!

Its esentially just a game that is on your profile that people see when they view your profile, then it just welcomes them to your profile. However, I am making mine a little relaxing game just for fun. No monetization, what so ever!

(Edit): I really enjoy the idea of the chimney. I will respond in an hour or so to my progress for another checkback and some more feedback!

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Should the game be sharing information about you? Or is it just a nice place to be in for a bit?

If it’s the second thing, you could add some logs or seating that players can sit on. Having the option is nice. I notice that some casual games without seats feels odd to me. :person_shrugging: Some lofi or calming music in the background might also be cool.

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Will definitely implement this, currently working on a outside firepit with log seats!

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