I recently decided to work on an old project which was inspired off the manga series/shōnen Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, where I was trying to replicate the famous “Za Warudo”, which stops time with cool effects.
What do you guys think? Here is a comparison with the original idea from the anime adaptation:
And my work:
All type of suggestions are appreciated! I might answer pretty late, as I am really busy right now. (PS: The time stop animation nor the voicelines were supposed to showcase a canon scene. This is all a fabrication made off by my creative imagination )
It looks pretty good! I made one like yours before but sadly it’ll mostly have a bug which you kills a player and they respawn or they just reset your self which makes the player respawn and doesnt look realistic. Great job!
Looks very good, and looks like a very intriguing and creative system, amazing job and if your making this for a game it looks like a really good system for the game.
I see, making a good Time Stop ability is kind of complicated, especially if your game uses values to determine if the players are stunned, etc. I wish you goodluck!
The effects are good but the delay for time stop is kinda long
If you are trying to make a PVP game I would suggest making it shorter
But if you are making it a showcase/testing game it would be cool