Recently i’ve made a zoo that I will open for the public soon after I finish. Here are some pics!
I’m currently looking for tips to improve my building. At the moment, I’ve started building this 2-3 days ago. (note: I know the snake looks horrifying, but I will completely remake it!)
To be honest, the zoo looks very spectacular! Though may I suggest the trees to add some more green squares and branches to make it make it more like a tree in Picture 3.
Because to be honest, the trees more like similar to a hammer than a tree. If you could add some branches and add some more green square as representation of more leaves, it would be really appreciated! Also I recommend the statue in picture 1 to have a more light gray color so people could properly see the statue.
In all, I see your work as very impressive and hope you continue in the development of this game.
Very good looking zoo. I’ll have to mention that it looks a little on the “blocky” side, and the trees are a little repetitive, but overall it looks pretty damn good.