Feedback for The Safe Develop Library

Hi, I made an experience where all developers can find safe plugins and models.
I appreciate any feedback for the experience.

If you want your model / plugin to be added in the experience, send me a message containing the link to the asset.

i see the potential in the concept and the wrong execution for it. hope you understand what I mean.
this looks more like a showcase than a library.


With any great invention comes its negative attributes. With this, I could list many. Obviously, I wouldn’t be accusing you of stuff but if things happen behind the scenes and a malicious plugin is added in game, it could potentially destroy a lot.

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I think this is an interesting idea, I had a similar idea with games.
You should maybe use a GUI to make this game, this would be easier to search or filter by category(ies).

Also, if you plan of adding every assets manually, this is going to take a lot of time so you could store every assets in a module script with their informations inside.

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