Feedback - GFX (Come-Back & New era)

Hey! Howdy?

Hello! My name is cvltred. I am a programmer, builder, and gfx designer, but my special role is GFX design. GFX design is my specialty, I’m experienced. Just made a come-back. Wanted to know if it looks good!

commss (1)
Alora 3
alora 2
comms for jamies
Jamies comms 2
jamies 3 commss
Comms 4 for jamies
dark blue style
comms for emc
Comms for rodunkin (7)
uwu pink

Lmk if you wanna hire me or anything!



Thank yall for the likes! Its appreciated!<3

Added some new work, lmk if you like them!

This looks really great! I think you can get hired or even make a game yourself with these skills. Also weird compliment - I like your watermark, it looks cool lmao.

10/10 from me, not really much feedback I can give

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Thank you! Its really appreciated! Thank you again!

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cvltred is the best gfxer, 10 out of 10 gfxs right there.

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Thank youuuu! Really appreciated!

Pretty good, but the last one needs some work done with the shading in my opinion.

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Thank you soooooo much for your feedback! Appreciated.

[EDIT] Added my latest work. gg.phuolas✨️

Hello, pretty late but I see you have some talent in GFX.
However, I would like to point out that many of your works have this white line thing on their faces:

You may want to fix them as they look quite ugly, at least to me.
Try adding better light, so as to make them more pop out (I recommend try rim lighting)

Other than that keep up the goodwork!

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Looks great! Your lighting is so much better than mine! You could maybe start to delve into 3D Cloth, that would make it even better.

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Hello, so sorry for the late response. Thats my style however, if my clients diesnt want it, i do remove it! Your feedback is appreciated.