Please dont hesitate to tell me what to improve on, it will help me. If you want to hire me to do a GFX for you comment or add my discord ASAP#1260


Looks good! Probably that puts me a bit off is the fact the model looks very plastic

Thannks! :slight_smile: I will look into that!

  • The position of the shotgun looks off, as if the character is not holding it.
  • Make the posing more dynamic and human-like. For example, don’t just leave the legs unbended, try making it as how a human would stand.
  • The sun is at the back of the humanoid, as seen in the character, the light is coming from the front.
  • The character looks as if it is made out of plastic.
  • Try adding bump maps to give somewhat of a 3D feel to the assets.
  • The handle of the shotgun should be on the hand not above
  • More shadows
  • More lighting
  • Some ripples or something on the t-shirt idk
  • Make shotgun a bit more shiny

I wish you goodluck on your future creations!


I dont know if you did it on purpose but the background I would recommend should be made in blender its so much easier just to make a plane and stretch for example :

Hi, the shotgun isn’t touching or at least it doesn’t look like it’s touching the guys arm. It kind of looks like it’s floating and he’s not holding it. Also there needs to be more shadows on the actual body of the player, that will make it look a lot more “realistic”. Ex: since the sun is behind the play the whole front of his body needs to be dark, and the arms shouldn’t be lit up like that since there isn’t an apparent light source from that angle. Other than that, the layout looks nice, maybe the rocks in the background look a bit too “2D”, but otherwise nice job .

This dude just gave it to you rawww
But yeah hes completely right with lowkey every point he made

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One way of increasing the quality and not making it look like it has just been copy and pasted is that you should use change the render quality to around 3900 x 3900 (for that exact shape you made. Another thing to note is that it will become very large in ps or something but it would be just fine just try and scale and boom!)
Here is a image of blender 2.19’s ratio/resolution bar


Thanks! I will definitely look into your points!

Yes, I agree. I will fix the, thank you!

Alright, I will definitely make the resolution better!

Thank you so much! I will make more shadows!

Looks great! I do have some suggestions though. Firstly, as everyone else mentioned, the shotgun handle needs to be adjusted so that the hands are holding it. Also, you can use a different HDRI to make the character look less “plasticy”. I would also recommend adding a light source behind the character to show the light coming from the sun hitting the character. I wish you the best of luck!

Thank you for your feedback. Is there a certain HDRI that you reccomend?

An HDRI I personally like to use is Palermo Park 4K from https://hdrihaven.com/.