[FEEDBACK] Graphic Portfolio

Greetings, everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My name’s Zenlights and I have been creating Roblox graphics for around a year now. I started back in the day using Blender to create my renders. However, I have improved on that and moved to Cinema 4D for the majority of my rendering. All I want is to obtain some construtive feedback in hopes of only improving the skills I have learned and becoming a better graphic artist overall.

All criticism and comments are encouraged! Don’t hold back! Roast me! :crazy_face:

Much love and many thanks. :sparkling_heart:

Edit: Thank you guys for so much positive feedback! It means a lot.


Hello, @Zenlights,

I have one question for you, How do you make them, is there a program you use, I am looking to make some myself.

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This is really good! What font did you use? @Zenlights


Everything you have here looks great. It’s very clean and high quality, and the text colors pair very well with the characters.

From here, my only suggestion would be to try variating the poses a bit more by bending the legs and arms or adjusting the angle of the camera. The poses you have look fine but are quite simplistic. Out of your icons, the Halloween icon is my favorite, one reason being the nice 3/4 view of the character, since you’ve shifted the angle of the camera slightly around the character.


What do you make them with? Power Point?


To be honest - not to sugar coat anything - they’re all very basic stuff editing and rendering wise. I suggest for you to try to create your own scene. You should learn all different kinds of stuff such as texturing/pbrs/materialization etc. The poses and composition aren’t that “great” or spectacular either - you should probably study poses, perspective, and composition. Instead of doing “basic graphic design in the average 2015 roblox style” you should probably start doing some personal work. Explore more into the world of 3D rendering and editing. Maybe even learn to paint your own backgrounds and such (entirely from scratch) - and maybe try to find your “art style.” Before you do that though - start learning the basics of your software. From what I see your skillset right now is essentially one that is from those basic roblox tutorials - which are good for a start (beginner stuff as less than a week of experience). Anyways - good luck on your journey. :slight_smile:


I personally think that it is incredible work. You have great understanding of the software that you use.
Please get in touch with me on Discord. My ID is iPhoreo#0001. I would love to ask you some questions.


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You can make these kinds of icons using 3D graphics softwares such as Blender or Cinema4D, and photo editing softwares such as Photoshop, Pixlr, Gimp, etc., there’s plenty more options but these are the most common ones I’ve seen.


Your graphics are amazing. They look good.


All the graphics I made have the Bethanie Snake font.

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I really like the choice of colors in these logos. They are all diverse, with different backgrounds and themes. I also like how the character’s lighting goes along with the lighting in the background image.

  • Add more variety in poses. :smiley:
  • Add some props for the characters, and try some different camera angles!
  • Go out of your comfort zone and make more different styles of logos than you have made above!

In conclusion, these logos are really awesome, and you can keep improving. :happy3:

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Those are amazing, don’t get me wrong, although you may need a newer point of poses.


Hey Zenlights! I think we have talked on discord before about Coast Grill aha. Anyways, really nice gfx, i know this is a certain style people go for and you definitely nailed it. Few things to note, watch the noise on some of them and make sure to subdivide that leg or it is going to be blocky like that.