[FEEDBACK] "Greek Temple" building

This is amazing. Keep up the excellent work!

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That’s insane, the lighting makes it look so much better. The build itself really bring out the greek into the build. I don’t really see anything else that needs to be added to the build by itself, but the environment around the temple could use some work.

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Looks amazing for what you have done within such a short amount of time! The lightning gives it something, and the building looks great.

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Thank you @Anthony2003Epic, @21stPsalm and @SimplyHase :wink:

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looks amazing! thanks for taking my advice

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No problem, also thanks! :blush:

This is comparable to an Oracle if it is from Greek architecture and not a temple (these two are easily to distinguish from each other). There is lack of detail on the top of the column where moldings should be located if it is from ionic column, the base is roman doric so this completely blows it out of any synergy. The pillars are too thin and there is lack of definition to it.

Here is the ionic column with it’s principles:
(Taken from Google Images)

I feel like you need to use much more accurate reference images to create meaningful showcases that display your patience and skill in building. The built quality is adequate but you show lack of care in certain parts.

Wow! That is actually pretty good! What settings did you you use for your lighting? I would like to add that to my showcase as well :smiley: