Feedback Gun System

I’ve creating a gun system, do not mind the errors for animation on glock 18 I have not fully animated that
this is projectile gun system and it has particle eeffect and phuysical mag and

blue boxes is for debug

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gun showcase

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would this be good enough quality to be in an actual game?

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Looks great, so far, especially the mags and bullet cartridges on the floor.

One tip: it looks a bit stiff to me, so maybe add sway with springs or lerping.

Good luck!

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what in the system does look particularly stiff

It’s good but i feel like the animations are way too blocky you should try making them more smooth if you can. One more thing, you should replace the blue parts with bullet holes decals instead. 4.2/10

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if you move your mouse, the gun doesnt move dynamically its just “stuck” if it would bounce a little it would like more realstice

hope this helps, open for any further questions

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yeah that was for a debug, and I am a trash animator, but I will try to improve those animations over time.

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ohh, I gert what you mean, Iw ill add some swaying to viewmdoel

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The system itself seems very good, but the animations seem like they need more work. I’m not sure how gun recoil real life, but yours seems to be blasting upward at least 30 degrees. I would expect the gun to be moved backwards at least a bit, instead of rotating upwards.

Another thing, your FPS seems to go down a lot when shooting. At one point, I can see it go from ~240 down to 70, that’s a pretty big change. Maybe you could optimize your system a bit more?

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I might making the gun go back more when shooting, sometimes in real life this is how it does look but maybe I did go too much rotation.

that’s is probably because of the particles, I will reduce them
and fire rapidly with such as glock 18 may also become a laggy

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This gun system looks very good! Nice job on it! It’s realistic and has great animations! How long did it take to create it in total? Will it be used in anything?

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Maybe, I might make an ffa game for it.

the animations in total probably around 2 hours, and the scripting I did take breaks but maybe it was four hours.