Feedback + Help

So I’m planning on starting an airline, and this is the plane I have so far. Not done yet, but will be soon. But I have a question, does anyone know a discord server I could boost to get free stuff? All I need is maybe a plane or eco seats. Thanks!


Try to add more pics? Your plane looks a little off. The nose of the plane looks visibly damaged but I understand what you’re going for. The cockpit windows are also connecting to the nose… like the window is a part of the nose.

There is no door. The belly of the airbus doesn’t really look like… that.
The end part of the airplane isn’t connected to the fuselage and just looks misplaced.
Maybe the wings are also a little bit high and you are missing engines
I completely understand the frustration… here is my own (uncompleted):


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I don’t have wings, gears, or engines yet. The “wings” you see are the elevators :slight_smile:

Try to add them and upload to this topic when it’s finished :slight_smile: