Feedback: Himalaya ruins

Hello everyone.
I’m working at a new story game and I want to show you some buildings in my game.
Please write in the comments what I can do better or what you like at my buildings

The ruins:


An obby way:


Agent Plane


This is also only an interim result. I’m still working and there will be a few more houses.
I hope you like it.


Really good! Some things that can help are:

  1. Gapfill plugin

  2. Pointlights

  3. More textures

  4. More housing in the distance

These are all optional, of course, if you disagree that’s fine. Other than that, Marvelous!


Thanks for your answer. I will try to use your tips :+1:
This is also only an interim result. I’m still working and there will be a few more houses.

This looks really good!

I recommend adding some more scenery and nature.

overall i like it but a couple things stood out to me which could be improved

  1. the building looks like it should have a roof of some kind
  2. consider re-doing the tree design. ive seen that tree so many times that it’s distracting to me, and i imagine others will feel the same way (i sincerely mean no offense with this)
  3. the plane in particular looks like it would benefit from recoloring of some kind. the white sections of the plane look out of place in my opinion. maybe grey or brown? if you don’t want to use materials on the plane, then consider upping the reflectance to give it a shiny metallic character.

Very nice! I which i could do that too. Good job

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Thanks for this tips. I will try to follow your instructions :+1:

I like how it looks, with the low-poly style. The obby was a good idea, and I’d suggest adding something where if you fall it makes you sit and down the mountain. All I’d suggest is making the bricks on the ruins a bit smaller.


I really like the build and also the landscape as well. the pine tree leaf is looking the same color as the snow. the detail of the ruin is really good… not only the ruin looks like gonna collapse but the view of the ruin in this picture are better legit. however, the obby looks good but when I look in the picture looks like there were a lot of planks that were connected with other pad… I think this is not an obby for my opinion and the last picture was the Agent plane. the Agent plane kinda weird look on my perspective. the tail of the plane look too much width and the top of the tail looks too small can you fix with the tail of the plane and the front of the plane look cool but you can change the look of the front. the front of the plane also has a dark blue looks window… can you change the color of the window a little bit brighter and also a bit transparent.
that all for now and I will see you in the next reply…