[Feedback] Horror Game UI

Please give me Feedback, first time doing Horror UI.


in my opinion it looks like a mobile game (which isnt necessarily bad) but maybe make it a bit more transparent. Also what is that green line on the left side supposed to be? But Overall Goodjob especially for it being the first time


It’s a Stamina Bar for the Game

You may use blue for it, I wouldn’t suggest using the label : value pair for the stamina bar, if you were thinking of that. I suggested blue as green is commonly used for health but you can still use it.

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Not Bad, but you could add more features and decals to make the atmosphere more dense and creepy.

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UI looks a bit out of place in my opinion with a bright outline on the top and like the first guy said “make it a bit more transparent” also when making a horror game I suggest taking some inspiration from the Amnesia, It’s a great horror game series that you should check out.