[Feedback] House Map

Want some feedbacks for this creation
I created this map and I want some feedbacks for this map
My First map after I know nearly everything about roblox studio building

Time: 3 hours

(1) What should I add more?
(2) Rate my Map please 1-100
(3) Any others you want to say :slight_smile:


What a classical, cartoonish house, I really appreciate your build! I’d recommend you put that in-game! Really nice house!

The architecture is so classic, and the way I see this house is so great and relaxing!
Though make the land more wider!
In all, great job!
Keep up the good work!


I really happy because I am hearing a nice feedback btw what should I add more in the building, I think my building is bad but not the map.

No, don’t think your building is bad. It’s really nice and relaxing looking if I were you! You should be proud it’s a nice build!

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Thanks you so much… Btw can I be friend with you in discord? Bloxvin#6365

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Your first map is a really fantastic low-poly style, and I really like the looks on the house! Since this is your first attempt of your map builds, it’s a fantastic way to show your creations.


These are the improvements to show you the suggestions by adding more creative things on your map.

Add Nature Assets
It would look very nice to add natural assets like bushes, rock and grass blades to make sure everything fits perfectly on the map.

Land Resize, Waterfalls & Mountains
As for @megapaul0917 recommended, there could be a resize by the land to look wider than ever! It’ll look amazing to explore on your first map.
Waterfalls & Mountains will bring a great decision to add the looks on the map, as for Mountain; it can be a background, and Waterfalls will be on the land.

It looks very nice and very relaxing, and you deserve a great progress on your map.
Keep up the great job! :+1: :happy3:


Thank you for your feedback… Im trying to improve my building skill as much as I can :smiley:

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Looks very awesome for making it in 3 hours. It is very little. I would have made it bigger cause it would look better.


Really nice lighting there, nice architecture as well. I’d suggest add smoke particles coming out of the chimney. :smile:

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oh ok I will do that but… I don’t think that is very suitable with cartoony house

Add a “cartoony” smoke if that makes sense.

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Thanks … Can I ask you a question? How does roblox give a builder rank to player in devforum

You must join a group somewhere, go to my profile and click the builder team.

ok thanks… :smiley: Contact me in discord . Bloxvin#6365

I personally think it would look better if you had modeled trees to look more like this:
Maybe make the hills that surround the house look more rounded like this (the style of the hills, they don’t need to be nearly as large and the mountains would look cool, but they’re not needed here):

You could add some rocks too:

Don’t forget about flowers and bushes:

I also think the fence could be a little bit thinner. It seems to be a bit too thick to be a fence, and more like a wood wall.

Everything else looks pretty good and I love the color scheme of the house :slight_smile:


Very good house! I whould give it 95 points because the windows aren’t very good designed. Rest is very good

Looks really nice! 100/100, the texture looks really good.

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Oh very very very thanks… You just gave me some ideas to add in new map… Very thanks you :smiley:

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I really like this house! Great job