(FEEDBACK) Jumping Through Time ~ An Obby with a mechanic that changes time just by jumping

It’s been a long time since I decided to learn how to script, right now, I’m still not the BEST one but moderately well. And with that I decided to make a big challenge for myself, creating a functional game alone.

And what comes from my learning is this game, called Jumping Through Time, an Obby with the mechanic of changing the time (into day to night and vice versa) when you jump. This mechanic was inspired by a game that I love called Moonleap, “about a moon boy on his journey to recover shooting stars.”.

Overall, the game is in production but already has good progress! I want opinions about my game, and if you want some ideas to improve the game. If you decide to play, I thank you for playing it!

What does the game have already?
  • Two maps: Prickly Winter (0M) & Sunny Desert (100M)
  • A data store that saves your checkpoint! With the addition of an altitude counter
  • A slide mechanic, used around 60M (I don’t remember right now, lol…)
  • Shift lock for mobiles, I like my mobile friends!
  • Of course, the main mechanic that can work for PC and Mobile right now. (In my opinion, it’s quite better for PC…)
  • That’s all! (That I remember)

  • I enjoy the idea of the obby! I would play it.
  • I like the idea of obby, but it’s not the game I would play.
  • It’s a cool idea, maybe one day I’ll play it…
  • I didn’t enjoy the idea at all.

0 voters

I’m still having problems with a bug on my game if anyone is interested in helping.

But in that case, I’m not here to talk about it, I’m here to update you that 100 meters are in production. I’m still thinking about different stuff like Fireballs and a lake. I don’t know if one of those makes sense with the “Sunny Desert” theme, so, I’m open to any suggestions from anyone!



  • Talking about what I gave as a short sneak peek, on 100 meters there are cheese orbs, I MEAN… fireballs! The fireballs have some differences from each other:
  1. Some fireballs can move in one direction: Left, Right, Up, Down;
  2. Some fireballs can trip the player for some seconds and others can instantly kill them.
  • Right now, these new fireballs have two stages, starting from 100M-133M.
    I’m still accepting suggestions for this map, I will probably add a lake with a waterfall, and a drowning system, as I said here (except I made some changes, lol):

That’s all I’ll have to say for today! See you in the next update!

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Additional things for the future…

  • I’m sure in a future update I’ll be adding a quest system for each map. Around 3-5 quests that can be done. The reward for it is getting some coins.
  • About coins… I was thinking of making a shop for some cosmetics like trails and game tags. On this part, I’m not sure what else would be cool to have in my cosmetic shop. I’m probably giving some coins whenever the player passes a stage.
  • That’s all I’m thinking, I’m open for suggestions to make the game enjoyable!
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